Thursday, 24 May 2012

The Reluctant Blogger

Why on earth do they call this a “Blog”?
Like a croak of a wheezing bull-frog.
It’s a digital dance,
But with all the romance
Of the wallowings of a fat hog!

‘So Dad,’ say my kids, ‘do a blog!
Don't be stuck in an archaic bog!’
Then they laugh with amusement
When I get confusement,
Fumbling through all this virtual fog.

So now everyone’s doing the Blog,
All the world and their kids and their dog.
‘Easy as……’ cries the crowd
In the Internet cloud
‘….Falling off the proverbial log!’

So here am I doing the Blog,
Though I find that it’s such a hard slog!
And I fear that the pain
May outweigh any gain
And will drive me to hitting the Grog.

But in spite of this sad monologue,
I hope I can master this blog.
Going global and viral,
My income may spiral
From products that I gotta flog.

Please note: Sentiments expressed above are not necessarily those of the author. :}

If you haven't seen my first publication yet, have a look at a preview of "The Poor Preachers" on the Google Books site. Any reviews you wish to add would be very welcome.
It is also available online at Amazon both as a hard copy and as an eBook for all you Kindle people out there.
Also available on the Barnes and Noble site in both formats, and on many other sites as well.

Please be warned: this is a moderated forum, so unsolicited advertising or abusive and unduly negative comments will be removed.



Saturday, 12 May 2012

Welcome to the Bardswell Blog

Welcome to the Bardswell Blog!

Hi! I'm Arthur David Bardswell, a published author and (as I hope to prove to you)
an all round nice guy. :-}

So what am I blogging about here?
(What a clumsy word "Blogging" is! It sounds as though I'm plodding through thick, sticky mud. I guess that's what it must feel like sometimes. Maybe if we get too philosophical and esoteric, we should call it "Fogging.")

This is a forum for readers and authors, where I'd like to discuss aspects of writing, expressing my views and sharing and reflecting on some of my experiences. I hope you will find it helpful and stimulating in your eternal quest for "The Perfect Read" (if such a thing ever exists.)
I'll also be sharing some relevant facts and findings I may discover along the way.

Some of the topics I intend to comment on and discuss include:
  • Historical fiction vs historical fact
  • Writing from your belief system. Should it be allowed?
  • For authors: The POV (point of view) shift
  • The funny thing about humour is......
  • Is there any rhyme or reason to poetry these days?
  • and more........
Please suggest some topics you'd like to discuss as well.

And what am I doing at present? 
I am working on the "Lollard" series. This is historical fiction based in the 14th and early 15th century England. This involves the activities of the followers of reformer John Wycliffe.

If you haven't seen my first publication yet, have a look at a preview of "The Poor Preachers" on the Google Books site. Any reviews you wish to add would be very welcome. 
It is also available online at Amazon both as a hard copy and as an eBook for all you Kindle people out there.
Also available on the Barnes and Noble site in both formats, and on many other sites as well.

I hope you will joyfully join me on this journey I'm journeying, and enjoy the journey yourself. ;-)

Please be warned: this is a moderated forum, so unsolicited advertising or abusive and unduly negative comments will be removed.
